Connect, Learn and Thrive
Every day is a new adventure on Uniper
Uniper brings content and classes that drive well-being with evidence based programming that covers the 8 dimensions of wellness:
Physical Wellness
Yoga, Zumba, Tai-Chi, and more
Fall prevention
Diet and prevention
Spiritual Wellness
Faith based programming
Emotional Wellness
Meditation, mindfulness, guided imagery
Positige thinking, science of
Social Wellness
Small interactive groups
Relationship building
Cognitive Health
Memory care
Memory exercises
Intellectual Wellness
Lifelong learning
How to use your smart phone
Travel, history, and more
Occupational Wellness
And more
Example of a Weekly Personalized Live Activities Schedule
Our live activities are thoughtfully crafted to stimulate interactivity and engagement among our members. Unlike pre-recorded videos, our team of skilled instructors and facilitators can visualize your movements and offer invaluable guidance, tips, and recommendations as you exercise.
The interactive group discussions foster a sense of community, enabling you to forge friendships, share ideas, and engage in meaningful conversations with other like-minded older adults. Our focus on building authentic connections with real people, in real-time, is what sets us apart.